Category: Uncategorized

I miss you !! Gigs Announced.

I miss performing – it genuinely is the best I ever feel in my own skin. And it means I get to hang out with you lot !! I am taking time out of my busy work life to sort out some me-time. So far these are booked: (I will update so keep checking back, or follow me on my Facebook)

  • Saturday 14th 12:30-13:00pm. Event Village, Hove Lawns.
  • Thursday 8th October 8:00pm. Garden Bar, Hove Acoustic Showcase Evening
  • Wednesday 8th January 7:30pm. Bedford Live, London Showcase Evening.


One More Idea ??

I am so excited to release my next single, I am aiming for the end of the summer. Most of you will know this track, but I have been in the studio with my lovely friend Paul working on a nice new version of this and it is something I am super proud of.

Currently working on ideas for a music video, if you have any –  do share !!

Eaks !!! xxxxx

2017 – I Thank you

What was 2017 for me?
* It was the making and release of City By The Sea single and video
* It was starting #jbmusicalmondays
* It was being a finalist in Open Mic UK singing competition and Future Music’s songwriting contest
* It was winning an award for my single ‘Sometimes’ my first official music video
* It was me becoming my own boss as a musician, choir leader and teacher
* It was performing at some amazing gigs in Brighton, London and Cornwall
* It was seeing Ani Difranco, Sublime and Kim Churchill live
* It was watching my fellow Brightonians rocking their own shows
* And, of course, it was all about the many collaborations with my darling, talented friends.

I feel so lucky to have worked with, and been supported by so many people this year. Wishing all my friends a wonderful Christmas and New Years and I’ll see you on the other side !!
BRING IT ON 2018 – more musical adventures ahead and IT’S GONNE BE A BIG ONE !! xxxxx

Hostess of the Mostess !!

Jenna Bennet and Band The Hope (7 of 13)

I am fortunate enough to have a lovely job in which I get paid to listen to music and have a glass of wine…. !!

Here in Brighton and Hove, I have been hosting Open Mic nights and Acoustic Showcases for over 3 years. It’s one of my favourite things to do. I get to create an atmosphere, meet new musicians and comedians and have wonderful evenings spent singing, dancing, laughing, harmonising and jamming.

My babe is The Quadrant Open Mic which I run every Tuesday. I’ve been working with the Manager Jack for two years and we work hard and making the evenings fun!!

I also run the ‘Seattle Sessions’ showcases at Brighton Marina in Hotel Seattle every other Thursday. These are wonderful nights and a bit more special as the performers get to play full sets.

Please do contact me if you would like to join me one night, I always love having new people !

[email protected]

BA(hons) BENNETT !!

This weekend I graduated from Brighton’s Institute of Modern Music !!! It’s been an incredible three years, shared with wonderful and talented people who I have met, worked with and witnessed their music develop.

When I started BIMM I was new to being a solo artist but the community that I became a part of fed me inspiration, support, confidence and a whole lot of fun (and alcohol!!)  I cannot thank everyone enough for the difference that they Read More








“CORNISH singer-songwriter Jenna Bennett relocated from Truro to live in Brighton three years ago. You may remember her as the singer with Es Vedra, who were in the thick of our local music scene between 2004 and 2009….”

Getting back in touch with my home County of Cornwall, I have managed to gain the support of the local newspaper The West Briton, who have kindly featured me on their website. Click HERE to have a look, or feel free to enter this blog and have a browse through all of my interviews, reviews and articles! Read More

EP and website LAUNCHED !!


I am so excited to be finally sharing ‘Behind My Eyelids EP’ with you. The band and I were in the studio in April of this year and worked really hard at making this EP the best it could be. I am really proud of it and grateful to everyone who has been a part of the journey. Not only have I got my first EP now available to purchase online, but I have spent months developing myself as an artist ready for this gorgeous website. Please explore the site and see what I have, and continue to get up to in this lovely musical bubble that I live in. I will be updating it all regularly so do check back or keep in touch via my social networking sites.

My mailing list is up and running with newsletters which will be once ever 4-8 weeks. If you join you will get up to date information and exclusive content!

Massive Thanks To My Gorgeous Band. Meet them on my ‘&Friends page xxxxxx

New Backing Vocalist

As well as working on new material, I also am beginning to write for a third backing vocalist !!

My darling friend Miss Sam Black will be officially joining the band by the end of the summer. Sam has performed lots with us when covering for Lisa or Jade at gigs, so she is no stranger to the band. I am having lots of fun writing her parts and am really excited for you to hear them.

Why not come to my gig on the 16th August where I will be performing with my backing vocalists Lisa, Jade AND Sam as a quartet for the first time! See my gig page for more info, or if you want to know more about Sam – see my ‘ &friends page. ‘ x x x