I can now announce what I have been doing in the studio recently… !!
Remember Paul Lennox? Course you do – read all about him in the My Friends section of this website !! He helped produce my Behind My Eyelids EP !! Well being the talented producer he is, he has teamed up with his lovely brother Matt to form a new dance act. I am going to be featured on the album and it is such an exciting project that you can be involved in !
Check out http://www.monfrere.co.uk for more info on how you can benefit from being a part of Mon Frere journey !
Clips of each song will be available soon and I promise to share 🙂
For now, please vote for their debut single featuring Kate Wild, it is on the running for a UK Songwriters award and will really boost the beginning of the Mon Frere music career. Please visit http://www.radioairplay.com/isc_votes/Dance+Electronica and vote for ‘Hero’ by Mon Frere – for freeeeeee.
Happy Days <3