Well, well, well….. it has been a busy time for me and the band – having six gigs in just two and a half weeks! And what an amazing time it’s been. With a mixture of solo, &Friends (me and the girls) and full-band gigs – October was a rather exciting month and every show was really special in it’s own way!
I want to say a huge thank you to my lovely, amazing band. We worked really hard last month getting my two new songs ‘Are You Ready’ and ‘Frames of Mind’ ready. I am chuffed with how they went down. Massive thank you to Miss Kelly Barnes who sang with us for a couple of the gigs. It was great to be on stage with her again and have her gorgeous harmonies incorporated into the new tunes.
Thanks to The Fishbowl, The Brunswick, The Hope, The Haunt, The Regal Room and The Bees Mouth for having us play. Shuga Buddha, One Inch Badge, Never Been Kissed, Lauren Stewart, Ellen, and K.A.T.E for booking us last month. And of course to all the bands who shared the nights with us, especially Ellen and The Echo, Kings Mews, The Common Tongues, Brother and Bones, Dodgy and Autumn Red.
I am having a break from gigging now to work on more new material and to book up for 2013. As always, I will keep you posted on any news. New live photo’s will be up soon so keep your eye out via my website or Facebook. Why not join my mailing list? I am currently working on an end of year newsletter, so don’t miss out on exclusive content, information and freebies!!
Much Love
Jenna x x x
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